Farming Staff
Selection, Marketing Make Successful Sheep Operation |
Co.) -When Terry and Sally Scholle decided to go into the sheep
business, they had some choices to make. |
ÒThe big
decision was, what kind of operation did we want to have?Ó Sally said. |
Terry had
owned the 100-acre farm near Littlestown since 1985, raising beef cattle and
renting out some of the land to a crop farmer. But before they were married
in 2000 (which was also the year Terry retired from his electrical
engineering job with the federal government), the couple decided to go in a
different direction with the farm. |
Since then
theyÕve had an array of adventures in the sheep business, from establishing
forages to meeting new lamb customers to — believe it or not —
coyote attacks. |
The Scholles
decided to focus on grass-based production. And they chose sheep because the
small ruminants are less demanding on the land and consume much less water
per pound of bodyweight than cows. |
purebred show-type sheep tend not to be the most practical, especially on
grass, the Scholles decided on commercial Dorset/Rambouillet crossbreds. The
Dorset genetics they chose are from Òold-fashionedÓ lines developed in
Australia, Sally said. These result in shorter-legged, hardy sheep that are
especially efficient at grazing. |
The Scholles
started by purchasing a flock of about 125 ewes from Ohio. Sally remembered
the day they unloaded them on the farm. |
ÒThey just
got off the truck and put their heads down and continued grazing like theyÕd
never stopped,Ó she said. |
Recently, the
Scholles began introducing some North Country Cheviot genetics into the
flock. They like the CheviotÕs wool-free head and legs. One of the advantages
is easier shearing. The Cheviots also do well on grass and produce good
carcasses. |
Today, the
Scholles maintain a flock of 300-350 ewes here on Creekside Sheep and Wool
Farm. They are generally thrilled with how the sheep fit into good land
management practices. They have also developed an ethnic market for their
grass-fed lamb. |
Developing Pastures |
The Scholles sowed a
variety of forage species on the farm, aiming for diversity and matching
grasses with soil types. |
The birdsfoot trefoil and reed canarygrass have proven
especially adept at thriving in poorly drained areas. |
One paddock has remained
water-logged for the past two years, but the Scholles have continued to graze
it because of the productivity of the two grasses. |
Taking a close look at
the paddock just this past Feb. 9 revealed rich green shoots of reed
canarygrass growing underneath the thick mat of brown left over from last
yearÕs growth. |
The Scholles have not had
to worry about hoof problems on the wetter soils. |
Hoof rot would be the
main concern, but because the Scholles essentially maintain a closed flock,
Sally said the chances of hoof rot coming onto the farm are slim. |
Some of the paddocks took
two to three years for grasses to establish after being in row crop
production. |
One of the paddocks
seeded with tall fescue and ladino clover was taken over by weeds before the
forages ever made an appearance. |
ÒSome kid could have come
and made a prize-winning weed collection,Ó Sally said. Weeds flourishing in
the paddock included pokeweed, poison ivy, jimsonweed, and thistle. |
They mowed down the weeds
and waited. Finally, in the third year, a lush stand of fescue appeared. |
ÒIt was like somebody
turned on a switch,Ó Terry said. |
While some graziers
dislike fescue because of its tendency to take over pastures, the Scholles
love it. |
ÒOur animals do well on
tall fescue,Ó Terry said. |
One advantage of fescue
is its ability to provide forage well into the winter. The SchollesÕ ewe
lambs were busily grazing fescue on Feb. 8 of this year. |
The Scholles can attest
to the value of using livestock to revitalize degraded soils. |
A paddock they used to
refer to as Òthe desert fieldÓ showed extremely low levels of nutrients and
organic matter, Sally said. |
ÒThe soil test was off
the chart,Ó Sally said. ÔWe may as well would have sent in sand.Ó |
Before seeding it with
orchardgrass, the Scholles plowed and worked the field, but didnÕt succeed in
establishing a stand. |
Plowing was Òthe worst
thing we could have done,Ó according to Sally. |
A combination of seeding
oats as a nurse crop and then overwintering sheep in the field finally
resulted in a good stand of orchardgrass. |
ÒWe thought we had ruined fields by leaving sheep out too
long,Ó Sally said. ÒWe found out you just about canÕt do it.Ó |
They have made a practice
of grazing late into the season and letting the sheep chew the grass down
closely. That delays forage growth in the spring and helps keep it from
outgrowing the sheepsÕ ability to graze it. |
One year, they seeded
forage turnips in late August and were pleased with the results. The turnips
provided high quality feed well into the winter. |
They would like to sow
turnips again, but at this point donÕt have the means to broadcast the seeds.
Target date for lambing
is in April, about six weeks before the full spring flush of grass. |
In the last two years,
the Scholles have been purchasing most of their hay for winter feeding. If
conditions are right for it, they have a custom operator make hay on paddocks
with good growth. |
They prefer to let the
sheep harvest the grass as much as possible. If necessary, Terry mows the
paddocks to control head formation and weeds. |
The only piece of hay
equipment they own is a rake — a relatively inexpensive piece of
equipment yet used for a critical part of haymaking, Sally said. |
The Scholles have worked
with the Adams County Conservation District and Natural Resources and
Conservation Service to install streambank fencing and gravel-based stream
crossings on the farm. |
They have developed a
total of 17 paddocks on about 80 acres of grazing land. |
In the past two years,
the Scholles have had to supply practically no water to the paddocks, with
sheep meeting their needs from streams on the farm. During drought summers,
they pump water from a pond on the farm and haul it to the sheep in plastic
barrels. |
Marketing |
A producer/customer
alliance began several years ago when Terry was delivering some sheep to
Westminster Livestock Auction in Westminster, Md. |
A man approached Terry
and asked if he had lambs to sell. Because selling livestock privately on
auction property isnÕt allowed, Terry invited the man and his companions to
follow him home. |
When they arrived at the
farm, the man said ÒI have something to tell you — IÕm Muslim.Ó |
Terry had already assumed
that from the manÕs appearance and from knowing about the Muslim market for
lambs. |
ÒI felt bad for him,Ó Terry said. ÒHere he was apologizing
for being Muslim.Ó |
It turns out that the
man, along with his family and many others from his mosque in the Baltimore
area, became regular customers. The man acts as a broker, buying lambs off
the farm and often bringing his family along. |
ÒTheyÕre really nice,Ó
Sally said. Sometimes joining in the family outing to the SchollesÕ farm is
an elderly woman who brings along bread to share, she said. |
The Muslim holiday of Eid
ul Adha is a key time for lamb purchases. This year, the holiday fell on Jan.
21. It comes 10 days earlier each year. |
The timing of the
holiday, at least for now, is good for the SchollesÕ growing program. By late
fall and early winter, their grass-fed lambs are about 80-100 pounds in size,
the way the buyers like them. |
ÒAll of our carcasses are
finished on grass and theyÕre wonderful,Ó Sally said of the meat quality. |
The Scholles feed
practically no grain (rarely, in unusual situations.) In winter, round hay
bales are fed on the ground in paddocks. |
When they started in the
business, the Scholles had hoped to be more successful marketing wool. (The
Rambouillet part of the cross is intended to increase wool value.) But the
wool market in recent years has been dismally low. Finding niche markets may
be the answer for the wool accumulating on the farm, Sally said. |
The Scholles built a pole
barn and equipped it with sheep handling equipment to simplify the job of
working sheep. |
They administer wormer as
needed, taking care not to increase resistance in the parasites. |
Sally, a 1975 animal
science graduate of DelVal College, uses a microscope to monitor fecal
parasites. |
The Scholles suffered a
shock and a setback last summer when predators ravaged the flock. Between 30
and 40 mature ewes and lambs were killed, either on the spot or later from
injuries. |
A Pennsylvania game
warden helped confirm that coyotes were responsible for the attack. Feral
dogs may have also participated, according to Terry. |
Many of the sheep were
severely bitten in the throat area and in the hind end. |
A SheepÕs Best Friend |
To prevent more attacks,
the Scholles purchased three Great Pyrenees guard dogs (one of them part
Anatolian.) |
The dogs live outside with the flock, bond with the sheep, and patrol the paddocks for predators. |